Epping Forest Police have asked us to share a local report of crime in Chigwell and Grange Hill. The report introduces our new beat officer PC Phil Cattaway, has an introduction from District Commander Ant Alcock a crime update that reports back on speed checks that were undertaken on Lambourne Road, burglaries, vehicle thefts, drug dealing and catalytic converter thefts. There is also some good advice on how to report crimes and much more. Read full report (click here) Their report also invites people to attend a live Facebook chat opportunity in May: "As soon as is safe to do so, opportunities to speak with your local police in person will recommence, such as Coffee With Cops and pop-up events. We will continue to hold Facebook Q+A sessions, with the next one for Chigwell and Grange Hill scheduled for the 14th May at 12pm. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: eppingcommunitypolicingteam@essex.police.uk." Emma Jackson from the Epping Forest and Bre...