Highways profligacy causes residents to get the hump!!!

After a huge lump in the pavement area of Romford Road near the bus stop close to Lambourne Road, appeared overnight (click here), Chigwell Row Residents Association reported the issue to Essex Highways Team.

Initial response seemed positive and almost immediately an email was received on 16th November 2020, that said:

Reference Number: 2688759
Issue: footway defects

Current status: inspection outcome

We have assessed this as an important safety issue. We will carry out works within 2 days, which could include a temporary fix to make it safe.


Essex Highways

This seemed like good news at the time and we were very hopeful of a quick and professional response to what was not only a very bizarre, pavement defect but one that was very dangerous. 

Speculation on the social-media app Nextdoor was not so positive and had most of our regular readers in fits of laughter.

One person, glibly said:

"I bet the temporary fix will be to put barriers around it!"

As a retort another person commented and said:

"Nope that's to much .... they will get yellow crayon and draw a circle.round it."

The same person later noticed how the lump actually looked like a turtle and placed this image on Next Door:

The hilarities were in good taste but underlined the despondency felt by local people at the poor level of service that is being administered by Essex Highways team.

Anyway despite the mistrust  it seemed like positive news when CRRA received a further email from Essex Highways on 19th November, that said:

Reference Number: 2688759
Issue: footway defects

Current status: works completed

Good news - we have now completed works at this site. Thanks for helping us to keep Essex roads in the best condition we can.


Essex Highways

The local community had little chance to enjoy the moment however, as on 20th November the very next day, while installing Christmas lights at the grounds of All Saint's Church, on Romford Road, it was noticed that the lump had returned.  This time however, the top of the peak did not shatter into pieces, because the road repair consisted of newly laid tar.  Instead what has firmed is a large lump as the tar has stretched to meet the force of the bulge. 

CRRA is very disappointed by this new defect at the same location as the previous one.  Firstly because the cost of repairing the initial volcano-like growth from our pavement had been wasted.  The work will now have to be undertaken once again after first removing the wasted material from the first repair.

Secondly the lack of proper investigation into the root cause of the pavement defect, highlights the insouciance of our highways team at all levels.  When this case was reported our Chairman Wilson Chowdhry had made it very clear that the large lump appeared overnight and not over a longer duration.  This would highlight a serious concern that warranted deeper inspection and that is what Mr Chowdhry called for.  It did not happen. 

But the problem does not end there as this failure highlights a more serious concern.  If the council highways team cannot be trusted to do the small things properly, then what chance with more difficult problems or for the planning of such works.  This whole debacle reeks of profligacy and unprofessionalism and the concern will be raised again with the highways team on Monday.  

Lets hope no-one distracted on a phone, pushing a pushchair, using a wheelchair, running to fast or any child cycling on this pavement trips, falls, or is otherwise adversely affected as a consequence of the council's negligence. 

Talking to local residents most of us have really got the hump!


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