Royal mail poor delivery services leads to risk of COVID-19 infections

Image of Hannah Chowdhry posting letter for elderly resident during first lockdown

Many residents of Chigwell and the surrounding area have become increasingly dismayed by the lack of postage to their homes.  In many cases mail has been delayed by up to a month, while at other times sent mail does not arrive at all.  

In a few cases on the local community whatsapp group and on the Nextdoor app residents who have received mail for other homes, have shared details on-line so that people can collect it rather than returning the mail (often Christmas cards) to the Royal mail for more delay.

Local residents have been travelling to the local depot in Debden to collect their mail, but this places many people at risk of COVID-19 infections at a depot premises that is now frequently visited and has many frequent touch points (such as on the doors and service counters). Others have simply suffered from a particularly woeful service as they attempt to protect their health.

Important letters, such as insurance documents, bills and bank statements are being delayed.  Moreover with Christmas nearing many shelves and mantle pieces usually adorned with Christmas cards are notably bare.

CRRA have sent a letter of complaint to Royal Mail and will share any response with local people.  We have also created this petition which we will send to Royal Mail and to our Parish Council.  Our Parish Council has sought the views of local people and we encourage local people to add their comments to our petition, so that we have a public display of our unified disappointment.

Please sign and share our petition (here)

Royal Mail are blaming it on staff shortage due to COVID-19  and Christmas holidays.  However, the fact that hospital appointments are being missed and essential bills not paid means their lacklustre attempts to resolve the issue with often poorly trained staff has exacerbated the difficulties of people already coping with the stress of lockdowns. 

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the Chigwell Row Residents Association, said:

"I myself have been receiving very little mail for well over a month.

"That has always been quite usual for me as my road is confused with other closes in the area and often we find other people's mail in our letterbox (click here).

"We have raised complaints before and continue to do so.

"The alarmingly poor delivery in recent months is disturbing due to the size and scale of the impact.

"We hope that the problem is soon rectified."


  1. Delayed delivery will not invalidate the content of letters from the Charity Commission.


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