Yet another water leak and it took Thames Water 5 hours to get to the incident site


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Water gushed onto Lambourne Road, Chigwell damaging the underlying layers of the road surface after yet another Thames water leak, which was first reported at 8am yesterday (22nd Otober).  

Despite the loss of a steady and heavy stream of water it took Thames Water over 5 hours to arrive with a van.  It then took a further 30-40 minutes  for repairmen to start working, after a further two vehicles arrived.

Even worse, the repairmen decided not place cones and barriers in the road to make safe their work, opting to simply park where they wanted causing their usual traffic congestion.

A total of three residents have confirmed via the local community whatsapp group, that they had reported the incident to Thames Water.  Two of these have shared address details with CRRA who have begun to compile a list of homes reporting each incident, to refute future denials from Thames Water.

Residential water taps had slower pressure up until around 5pm.  

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the Chigwell Row Residents Association, said:

"The frequency of water leaks and interruptions in Chigwell is simply ridiculous.

"Thames Water continue to deny a major concern exists and we must all do more to make them take responsibility.

"Each incident needs to be reported at the time and by all affected residents.

"If local people can then inform CRRA we will maintain a central database and take up action via Ofwat.

"It is just not acceptable for them to continue to risk the safety of a community already combating the spread of COVID-19."

Sign our petition today (click here)

A brief look through our community whatsapp group which has over 300 members reveals this list of dates for water loss to our supply to residential homes. Tap drought occurred on these dates:









21.10.20 (Low pressure was discovered by those using taps before 7am 1 resident complained)

22.10.20 (repair of flood at Lambourne Road 3 residents called in)

There was also extremely low pressure water (a dribble) on 14th Sept 2020.

It should be noted that some of these dates are a start date for two days of no water.


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