Update on our reported issues: Raymond Close pot-hole to be repaired this week, Street-weeds to be cleared and Event-day Parking restrictions possible

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We were asked to seek hedge-trimming along bridle-walk by car park of Woodland Trust.

On 20th October 2020 the Woodland Trust said:

Thank you for your email regarding Hainault Forest.


I have spoken with the Site Manager who has said the hedges are due their annual cut back at the end of this month/beginning of November. He is also due to visit the area soon so will inspect the area.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

During our street inspections we noticed an increase in street and road weeds and asked for them to be removed. 

A representative from Essex Council met with Chairman Wilson Chowdhry at his home on 28th October (while collecting community litter-picking equipment) and has advised that an inspection has taken place and works have begun. Residents of Daylop Drive and Woolhampton Way already have noticed  that weeding has taken place. 

Earlier on 21st October 2020, an officer from Essex Grounds Maintenance Team, said:

Your last point concerning the weeds along the pavements and streets, I have requested that this is passed to the Waste department for inspection as it is understood that they arrange for weed spraying along the pavements on behalf of Essex County Council.

During a street inspection we noticed the awful state of the road at Raymond Gardens and Lambourne Close.  

Though Essex Council have only placed Lambourne Close on a non-urgent maintenance programme, they were positive about remedial work for Raymond Close.  On 29th October 2020, The Highways Department said:


Current status: inspection outcome

We have assessed this as a safety issue. We will carry out works within 5 days, which could include a temporary fix to make it safe.

We were asked to seek Event-Day Parking restrictions on Woolhampton Way and Associated Roads.  

North Essex Parking Partnership, have said that such restrictions can be possible if we can show that the community want it, they said on 21st October 2020: 

Following my previous e-mail, we have been advised that any new restrictions would need to be applied for through our website. Please be aware that Intervention would not occur this year, due to the lining works not taking place in the colder months as this creates difficulties for the adhesive of the lines. 

You will need:

To show:
  • That there is a genuine proven parking safety, congestion or social need before your request can be considered.
To evidence local support:
  • This can be from your Local Councillor, County Councillor, a Town or Parish Council.
  • Failure to evidence that support for an application is in place from a councillor will result in your application not being considered.
For a new parking scheme:
  • A minimum 75% support from other residents living in the street.
  • Please provide as much information as possible to support your application.
  • Depending upon the size of the request, the timescale for implementation is 12 months from the date of approval. However this can be exceeded due to other factors beyond our control.
  • All requests will be initially considered by each individual Council in consultation with their responsible Member.
CRRA will be sending a letter to all homes to seek their desire for event-day restrictions. In the letter we will explain how the restrictions would work, after having a little more conversation with North Essex Parking Partnership.  After this we will seek the support of a local councillor.


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