Pudding Lane woes soon to end after Highway Team inspection places concerns on action list

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Since I moved to Chigwell two years ago one of the roads I have least-liked travelling on has been Pudding Lane. 

When I first arrived the road was full of potholes but by regular reporting CRRA has ensured that the road is much smoother for travellers. You will also have noticed that the shrubbery and bushes on the verges each side of the road have recently been trimmed back.

There are still some outstanding issues and although repairs to a deep gully that was causing cars to slip has now been repaired there remains two more locations, which we have reported and that are on an action plan. here is a list of faults that we have reported:epair of the chevrons ne

  • repairs to chevrons at s-bends (
  • remedial works to improve safety around erosion of road edges and dangerous gullies that have formed that cause large vehicles to keel over and smaller ones to slip and crash.
  • repair and restoration of bollards at pinch-points (traffic-calming measures). (Ref: 2683318)
  • Found a surprise large amount of fly-tip which will be removed (FS-Case-258486496)

The first two references can be found in our previous posts.

Near the top of the image you will see the edge of the road has eroded away and part of it has dropped creating a step effect.  Cars often slip around this area which is why I did not venture nearer.

In particular the erosion of the edge of the road opposite the water works and slightly closer to Gravel Lane are extremely major concerns with winter approaching.  We will keep you posted on works as completed.

Edge of road has eroded and a deep gully filled with water makes this part of Pudding Lane extremely dangerous

The edge of the road has developed a step which many cars follow leading them into the grassy verge.  This will be extremely dangerous in winter.

The bollards at both Pudding Lane pinch-points are damaged or fallen

Several bags of rubbish have been fly-tipped along grass verge near water treatment site.

Hidden fly tip

These bags have been reported under  reference number  FS-Case-258486496.


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