More flytip on Pudding Lane

Two bed bases and a mattress dumped along Pudding Lane

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CRRA have today reported the bed bases and mattresses that have been dumped along Pudding Lane ref: FS-Case-263763757. 

We will again raise a question for Chigwell Parish Council and Epping Forest DC to consider installing Streetligting on Pudding Lane and Millers Lane, in order that CCTV Cameras can be installed to curb this seemingly growing social malaise.

Leaving things the way they are allows perpetrators to get away with a serious environmental crime, which we believe Cameras and adequate lighting could deter.  Saving our local authorities thousands of pounds in the long run, while also preserving the aesthetics and salubrity of the area.  

Offenders can be prosecuted under our local bye-laws by up to £50,000 and could also be prosecuted under the control of Pests Act.  Yet very rarely to they get caught.  More has to be done to keep Chigwell Row green and pleasant.


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