Local residents gather to discuss Chigwell Row Infants School expansion
Over 50 local people crammed into a small hall at Chigwell Row Infants School to discuss proposals for an impending expansion of the school to alter it's current use to include for some primary places. We wrote about these proposals earlier (click here) . Mr Chowdhry visited the meeting for a short while as he had to rush of to some Essex Police workshops at Epping Town Hall later the same evening. Despite having sent across an email with a number of questions for the developers and the school management the email was not read out - so it was fortunate to some extent that he attended. Mr Chowdhry, wanted to ensure that the consultation had been undertaken correctly and asked about how news of the meetings was shared with the community. The school described how they had sent letters personally to homeowners close to the school, had published the details for the meeting in the local media and had corresponded with parents of children at the school. It would seem ...